Friday, June 2, 2017

Exploring SoTL and how librarians can play in this sandbox

I've been exploring the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) to help reflect and improve my instruction, particularly how that might intersect with embedded librarianship within community engaged coursework.  I stumbled (late) upon this ACRL series via the twitter hashtag #librarianSoTL. (There's also a great repository of SoTL resources at

SoTL involves:

  • Instructor/teacher reflection on and studying what we do (our own teaching output) to improve student learning.
  • Being explicit with students about why your teaching the way you do 
  • Learning theory intersects & provides a framework to help us understand how knowledge & learning happens
  • Happens across the disciplines (there's a big wide world of resources out there, but they're hard to find as their isn't a set vocabulary and outside the classic scholarly literature on teaching and learning).
Next up? Part 2 of this webinar series and reading: 
Scholarship Reconsidered by Ernest Boyer
Scholarship of Teaching, What's the Problem? by Randy Bass
From teaching to learning-A new paradigm for undergraduate e by Barr and Tagg

Principles of good practice in scholarship of teaching and learning by Peter Felton

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Created a new box on how to search Google by locale